International Studies Semester
Spend a semester at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies learning from experts in international policy, trade, intercultural study, and global security. Undergraduate students can access the extraordinary resources at the Middlebury Institute, enhancing their undergraduate degree with a customized semester of classes available at Middlebury’s Monterey campus.
With the International Studies Semester, students take up to 18 credits, choosing courses from various MIIS programs based on areas of interest:
Plan ahead and apply your Study Away at Monterey semester toward a master’s degree at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. By taking required courses during your Study Away semester, you’ll be able to apply credit toward your master’s and, in some cases, accelerate your degree. The Middlebury Institute offers master's degrees in language and international policy (development, trade, environmental, and security).
Phyllis Stinson is the advisor for this program. Please feel free to contact her with any questions:

Academic program
Students enroll in 12 to 18 MIIS credits (3-4.5 Pomona credits) from various MIIS programs based on areas of interest: international policy and development, international trade, nonproliferation and terrorism studies, intercultural competence and environmental policy and management. Students may also enroll in content-based language classes in Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish.
Living Arrangements
The residence hall offers comfortable living with shared spaces for cooking, collaborating, and socializing with fellow Study Away students, as well as graduate students at the Institute. The dormitory is within an 8-10 minute walk to classes and Institute facilities, and within walking distance to grocery stores and restaurants.
Pomona College will cover the cost of standard housing (double or triple rooms) with shared kitchens, bathrooms, study spaces, and common areas. Students placed in single rooms will be billed for the difference in cost. Pomona will cover the cost for a single room only for pre-approved medical and disability accommodations.
Number of Students
2-3 students in the International Studies track among the 15-25 students across all three study away tracks. Total MIIS enrollment is approximately 725 students.
Host Institution
Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) at Monterey, CA
Faculty Liaison
Mietek P. BoduszyĆski
Heather Williams
Students must have achieved an average of B or better in their major courses, and an overall average of B or better. Students are expected to have completed relevant course work for the academic program to which they’re applying. Students must have junior or senior standing when they participate in the program, unless given special permission.
Content-based language classes in Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian or Spanish in the Global Security Semester and International Studies Semester programs require students to be at the second-year college level (minimum) and to pass a language placement exam offered before the semester starts.