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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Prague, Czech Republic
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: CET Academic Programs 
  • Restrictions: Pomona applicants only
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Language of instruction: Czech, English Housing options: Apartment
Areas of study: Art History, Czech, Economics, English, European Studies, Hebrew, History, International Relations, Internships, Jewish Studies, Literature, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology Class standing: 1 - Second Semester Sophomore, 2 - Junior, 3 - First Semester Senior
Program type: Hybrid, Stand alone GPA: 3.0
Program Description:

CET Prague

CET Prague
Are you looking to experience the beauty, romance and history of old Europe? CET Prague is for students looking for a meaningful experience with plenty of experiential learning outside the classroom. Choose between four core courses—Business & Economics, Central European Studies, Global Security Studies, or Jewish Studies—to guide your semester. Study the basics of Czech language, and the rest of your curriculum is up to you.

Study Abroad in Prague

  • Choose from four concentrations: Business & Economics, Central European Studies, Global Security Studies, or Jewish Studies
  • Diverse elective selection
  • Two Traveling seminars
  • Variety of internship placement options
  • Live with Czech roommates
  • No language prerequisite
Visit the CET website to learn more about this program.

Academic Program
CET Prague study abroad students are looking for a meaningful experience with plenty of experiential learning outside the classroom. Choose between four concentrations—Business & Economics, Central European Studies, Global Security Studies, or Jewish Studies—to guide your semester. Study the basics of Czech language and round out your curriculum with elective courses across a range of subjects.

Students enroll in a core course, a Czech language course, and three CET electives to meet the recommended 15 total semester credits (3.75 Pomona credits). ​Students may replace one CET elective with a direct-enroll elective at Charles University in the Faculty of Humanities or Institute of Economic Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. 

The CR/NC option is limited to direct enroll university courses only.

Living Arrangements 
Students will live in off-campus apartments with CET peers and local Czech students in one of four city apartment buildings. Each apartment will have between 2-10 students with 2-3 students per room. Each apartment comes with a fully equipped kitchen, common area, shared bathroom, and in-unit washing machine. Students will be responsible for preparing their own meals. The apartments are all within a 20–30-minute direct tram ride to the CET Center.

Number of Students 
CET enrolls 30-40 students each semester, selected from a national pool.

Host Institution 
CET Academic Programs
Charles University

Faculty Liaison 
Jennifer Friedlander
Travel Advisories

Dates / Deadlines:

There are currently no active application cycles for this program.

This program is currently not accepting applications.