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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: London, United Kingdom
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Restrictions: Pomona applicants only
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Language of instruction: English Housing options: Apartment
Areas of study: Performing and Visual Arts, Theatre Class standing: 2 - Junior, 3 - First Semester Senior
Program type: Stand alone GPA: 3.0
Program Description:
Sponsored by Sarah Lawrence College and the British American Drama Academy (BADA), the London Theatre Program is designed for dedicated students who are passionate about their work and serious about acting. Students may enroll in the single semester program in either the fall or spring.
BADA’s primary premises, and home to the London Theatre Program, is a historic Crown Estate building in Gloucester Gate, part of Camden, one of London’s most prestigious residential areas which is home to a number of national embassies and ambassadorial residences.

Academic Program
Students take acting classes, master classes, and workshops with leading artists from the British stage, complemented by individual tutorials with teachers. A faculty from Britain's foremost drama schools teaches technical classes in voice, movement, and stage fighting.
Students enroll in the following courses to earn 15 U.S. semester credits (3.75 Pomona credits):
  • Acting (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Shakespeare (2 credits, 0.5 Pomona credit)
  • Comedy (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Physical Theatre (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Voice (2 credits, 0.5 Pomona credit)
  • Movement (2 credits, 0.5 Pomona credit)
  • Stage Combat (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Dramatic Criticism (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Analysis (1 credit, 0.25 Pomona credit)
  • Acting in Performance (3 credits, 0.75 Pomona credit)
There is no CR/NC option on this program.  

Living Arrangements
Students live in furnished shared apartments with double-occupancy bedrooms. 
 All accommodations are conveniently located with easy access to BADA and all central London locations.

Number of Students
Sarah Lawrence College enrolls a maximum of 45 students each semester (3 groups of 15).

Host Institutions
Sarah Lawrence College
The British American Drama Academy (BADA)

Faculty Liaison
Carolyn Ratteray

  • The program is selective and requires a video audition.  
Internet Link

Travel Advisories

Dates / Deadlines:

There are currently no active application cycles for this program.

This program is currently not accepting applications.