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Programs : Brochure

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  • Locations: Kandy, Sri Lanka
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: IFSA 
  • Restrictions: Pomona applicants only
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Language of instruction: English, Sinhala, Tamil Housing options: Homestay
Areas of study: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Art History, Asian Studies, Biology, Botany, Development Studies, Earth Science, Ecology, Education, Environmental Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, Geology, History, Human Rights, Independent/Directed Research, Literature, Marine Science, Minority Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Politics, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Public Policy, Religious Studies, Sinhala, Social Justice, Social Policy, Social Sciences, Sociology, Tamil, Theatre, Urban Studies, Zoology Class standing: 1 - Second Semester Sophomore, 2 - Junior, 3 - First Semester Senior
Program type: Stand alone GPA: 2.0
Program Description:
Sri Lanka: Research
Geotag  Kandy, Sri Lanka

The second-largest city in Sri Lanka and capital city of the central province, Kandy is perfectly positioned to easily reach every part of the small island. Home to the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, one of Buddhism’s most sacred shrines and a famous pilgrimage site, it is often called the cultural capital of the island. Kandy is a bustling market town supporting the tea producers in the surrounding regions, as well as the island’s arts and crafts vendors. The neighboring town of Peradeniya boasts Sri Lanka’s most prestigious university and a renowned botanical garden that showcases its lush tropical climate.

Choose a research topic that’s meaningful to you, then use it as a springboard to explore one of the world’s most biodiverse locations and distinctive cultures. Gaining hands-on experience with a community partner like Dilmah Conservation is just the start. With a family home stay, you’ll also make deep connections as you learn about the traditions of this distinctive rooted culture, from visiting temple to selecting a sari. 

The Study in Sri Lanka: Research Program provides an opportunity to become part of a rich legacy of student-scholars observing, engaging with, and learning from communities in Kandy and across this vibrant island. All students will complete a field-based research project, conducted intensively during the final month of the semester abroad. Select IFSA classes for a total of 12-16 U.S. credit hours.

  • Directed Research
  • Essential Sinhala
  • Beginning Sinhala I
  • Beginning Tamil I
Not all electives may be offered in a given semester depending on enrollment.
  • Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management
  • Biodiversity in Sri Lanka
  • Climate Change Impacts in Tropical Ecology
  • Ethnicity and Politics in Sri Lanka
  • Gender, Identity, and Culture
  • Global Food Systems
  • International Conflict and Peace Building
  • Living Religious Traditions in Sri Lanka
  • Primate Evolution
  • Sustainable Tourism
Visit IFSA Study in Sri Lanka: Research on the IFSA website for a complete list of classes and syllabi. If research isn’t your priority, be sure to explore our sister program, IFSA Study in Sri Lanka.

Program activities and excursions are designed to enhance your intercultural competence by developing your understanding of the local culture and people. While optional, they are included in your total program fee. Activities and excursions vary each term based on availability, but may include:
  • City-as-Text
  • Hanthana Mountains Experience
  • Women’s Shelter Experience
  • Nilambe Buddhist Meditation Centre Experience
  • Kandyan Dance Experience
  • Matale Trip
  • Horton Plains Trip
  • Anuradhapura Trip
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  • Academic Support
  • Administrative Fees and Applications Fees
  • Activities and Excursions (including transportation and meals)
  • Education Fees
  • Guaranteed Housing
  • International Medical Insurance
  • Internet Access in Housing
  • Internship, Directed Research, and Volunteer Opportunities (on many programs)
  • Meals (on some programs)
  • Official Transcript with U.S. Credit Translation
  • On-site Orientation
  • On-site Staff Support (including in-person meetings and emergencies)
  • Prearrival Advising

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The program is based at the University of Peradeniya, just outside of Kandy. Program courses are taught on campus, and students have access to the IFSA office (also on campus). Through the program's language courses, electives, and the Directed Research course, students examine the history, cultures, politics, environment, religions, and society of Sri Lanka in depth. Living with homestay families facilitates deeper immersion into Sri Lankan society and gives students an opportunity to form meaningful connections within the local community.

Pomona students are required to enroll in a semester long language course, either beginning Sinhala I and/or Beginning Tamil I. For their remaining courses, students enroll in the Directed Research course and elective courses developed specifically for IFSA program students. Total enrollment is 15-18 U.S. semester credits (3.75-4.5 Pomona credits). Through the electives and the Directed Research course, students have the opportunity to explore politics, history, sociology, anthropology, environmental studies, gender and identity, religion, conflict resolution, cultural heritage, and other subjects in the Sri Lankan context.

There is no CR/NC option on this program.

Language classes
Pomona students are required to take Beginning Sinhala I and/or Beginning Tamil I. Students planning to conduct Directed Research in Tamil-speaking areas may benefit from taking the Tamil language course. Students enrolling in the Tamil language course may wish to take the Essential Sinhala language course as well, which earns 1 U.S. semester credit (0.25 Pomona credits) and lasts the first two weeks of the program.

Students are placed individually in homestays around Kandy, with easy access to transportation, the IFSA office, and the university. Each student has their own bedroom with an attached private bathroom. There is a wide range of families, and students complete a housing form to be matched appropriately. Host families provide three meals per day.

Number of Students
The program typically enrolls 5-15 students.

Host Institutions
The Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA)
University of Peradeniya

Faculty Liaison
Arash Khazeni

Country Guide and Student Experiences
Read more about student experiences and information from IFSA about Sri Lanka

Travel Advisories

Dates / Deadlines:

There are currently no active application cycles for this program.

This program is currently not accepting applications.